
Friday, September 9, 2011

Images not load at google plus

      The problem is about the images like profile images, post's images etc not loading, or loading a small number of them. Also you may have problem to load the games.

I take a look at my router's logs, and I see the below row 

 **SYN Flood to Host**, 42277->>

      I check that the ip address is a google ip. So, from this row I understand that my router detects a (wrong) Flood attack. 
     This happens because browser open a lot tcp connections to the same google server to load the separate parts of the page like images, scripts etc. The router detects these multiple connections as flood attack and block them , so the browser can't load the images.

The solution it's easy, the only thing you must do is to change a value at your configuration of your router.

Specifically you must change the value of the below setting

Maximum incomplete TCP/UDP sessions number from same host *

This may has default value 10, you try to change to 50 and save the settings. Now try to reload the google plus page, I hope to see the difference like me!

* The settings may different for different routers, you must search to find it. In most occasions this settings may be at the router's firewall settings ans specifically at Intrusion Detection.

Friday, July 1, 2011

How to get distinct values from android mediastore using contentresolver

In this post we can see a very easy way to get a list of distinct values from the android's Mediastore. In past I need that, but I haven't found an easy solution when I search for this to the Internet. So I found a solution and I show you with a  small tutorial.(It's my first attemp).

We say that we want to get the distinct values of the years*, which we have at least one song recorded.
So we create an new activity(I hope to know how, else the internet is full of  tutorials) and into the onCreate method we put our code.

1:          // get the content resolver instance  
2:          ContentResolver contentResolver = getContentResolver();  
3:          // the column of the year  
4:          final String year = MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.YEAR;  
5:          // create the string array with the returned values, there is the trick  
6:          // we use the DISTINCT before the name of the column  
7:          String[] values = new String[] { "DISTINCT " + year };  
8:          // execute the query  
9:          // we also check not to get null values  
10:          Cursor cursor = contentResolver  
11:                  .query(MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI,  
12:                         values,year + " not null", null,  
13:                         MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns.YEAR);  
14:          // for each returned row we printed using android Logging fuctions  
15:          // we use loggat with tag distinct to see the result  
16:          // also you can show the results in the gui of your app  
17:          while (cursor.moveToNext()) {  
18:              Log.d("distinct", "year " + cursor.getString(0));  
19:          }  

*You can see the columns about audios in the mediastore from here